Curriculum Overview (2023-24)

See Also Archived BISB/BMI 2023-24

Curriculum Overview


Course Descriptions

BISB in UCSD Catalog


The Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Graduate Program is organized around two disciplinary tracks that have distinct, yet overlapping, faculty and curricular requirements: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BISB) and Biomedical Informatics (BMI). Students indicate their interest in one track, but are able to request a switch at any time during their study.

For each track there are four required core courses (16 units), plus 16 units to be chosen from a list of elective courses. Core classes are usually completed within the first year and must be completed within the first two years. Electives are normally completed within the first two years.

All required Core and Elective courses for the degree must be taken for a letter grade. Students must obtain a “B” or better in courses taken for the degree. If you receive a “B-” or lower in a Core or Elective class, or you take it on S/U grading, it does not fulfill your requirements. Please see the Grades FAQ if you have any grades of “B-” or lower or “U”.

The Core Curriculum ensures that every student within the Program has the same knowledge basis in key areas of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (as well as Biomedical Informatics for the BMI Track). The Electives are intended to provide students with in-depth courses related to their own research interests.

In addition, students must also take

  • The colloquium for their track (BNFO 281 for BISB track; MED 262 for BMI track) for fall, winter, and spring quarters of their first two years.
  • Student Research Talks (BNFO 283) in fall, winter, and spring quarters their first two years.
  • Ethics (BNFO 294 previously SOMI 226 or BIOM 219) within the first two years. Funding sources may require it be taken in the first year, so we recommend taking it by spring of the first year. The Scientific Ethics Refresher course is required every 4 years thereafter (if still here).
  • Research Rotations (BNFO 298 for 4 units per quarter) during the first year.
  • Research (BNFO 299) with their dissertation advisor after joining a lab.
  • Two quarters as a teaching assistant (BNFO 500 or corresponding codes in other departments).

Program Timeline & Sample Schedules

Sample schedules for each track are shown below. Please note that the quarters in which classes are offered may vary each year, some classes may not be offered every year, and course offerings may change. Electives, ethics, and opportunities for teaching assistantships are likely to be scheduled differently than in the sample schedule.

Year 1: Fall Winter Spring
Core: Math 283 Core: BENG 202 / CSE 282 Core: BENG 203 / CSE 283
Fourth Core or Elective Fourth Core or Elective Fourth Core or Elective
    BNFO 294: Ethics
BNFO 281: Colloquium BNFO 281: Colloquium BNFO 281: Colloquium
BNFO 283: Student Research Talks BNFO 283: Student Research Talks BNFO 283: Student Research Talks
BNFO 298: Research Rotation BNFO 298: Research Rotation BNFO 298: Research Rotation
Year 2: Fall Winter Spring
Elective Elective Elective
BNFO 281: Colloquium BNFO 281: Colloquium BNFO 281: Colloquium
BNFO 283: Student Research Talks BNFO 283: Student Research Talks BNFO 283: Student Research Talks
BNFO 299: Research BNFO 299: Research BNFO 299: Research
BNFO 500: Teaching Experience BNFO 500: Teaching Experience Qualifying Exam
Year 1: Fall Winter Spring
Core: Math 283 Core: BENG 202 / CSE 282  
Core: MED 264   BNFO 294: Ethics
Fourth Core or Elective Fourth Core or Elective Fourth Core or Elective
MED 262: Colloquium MED 262: Colloquium MED 262: Colloquium
BNFO 283: Student Research Talks BNFO 283: Student Research Talks BNFO 283: Student Research Talks
BNFO 298: Research Rotation BNFO 298: Research Rotation BNFO 298: Research Rotation
Year 2: Fall Winter Spring
Elective Elective Elective
MED 262: Colloquium MED 262: Colloquium MED 262: Colloquium
BNFO 283: Student Research Talks BNFO 283: Student Research Talks BNFO 283: Student Research Talks
BNFO 299: Research BNFO 299: Research BNFO 299: Research
BNFO 500: Teaching Experience BNFO 500: Teaching Experience Qualifying Exam