Department News
Ileena Mitra awarded Autism Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
June 3, 2019Ileena Mitra, a Ph.D. student in Bioinformatics & Systems Biology, has been awarded the Autism Science Foundation predoctoral fellowship for researching de novo short tandem repeats in Autism.
Carlos Guzman awarded Ford Foundation Fellowship
June 3, 2019Carlos Guzman, a Ph.D. student in the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology graduate program, has been awarded a 2019 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship. The competition is administered by the National Academies on behalf of the Ford Foundation.
Jessica Zhou awarded Fulbright Grant
May 1, 2019Jessica Zhou, a Ph.D. student in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, has been awarded a Fulbright Research Award to study in Germany 2019-20. She will be doing research at the University of Potsdam and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine.
Rachel Marty Pyke awarded Siebel Scholarship Award
September 23, 2018Rachel Marty Pyke, a Ph.D. student in the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology graduate program, has been named a 2019 Siebel Scholar.
Daniela Nachmanson awarded TRDRP fellowship
June 14, 2018Daniela Nachmanson, a Ph.D. student in Bioinformatics & Systems Biology, has been awarded a TRDRP (Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program) predoctoral research fellowship.
James Yurkovich: J. Biological Chemistry - cover story
April 12, 2018James Yurkovich, a Ph.D. student in the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology graduate program, is the lead author of a cover story in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
Summary: In this study, we examined the temperature dependence of the human red blood cell metabolic network. The temperature dependence of biological functions had been previously studied at the levels of individual biochemical reactions and organism physiology (e.g., basal metabolic rates). Biology is inherently multi-scale, and there existed a gap between observing temperature dependence at the scale of an individual reaction and at the physiological level. We used a systems biology approach to define the temperature dependence of individual metabolite profiles, metabolic reaction fluxes, and the entire metabolic network. Our results provided an ex vivo characterization of temperature dependence, which is in contrast to previous studies of individual reactions that are determined through in vitro assays. Further, we provided a baseline characterization of a biochemical network given no transcriptional or translational regulation that can be used to explore the temperature dependence of metabolism. This paper was featured on the cover of the December 1, 2017 issue (Vol. 292, Num. 48); cover artwork by Rockford Penn, Technicity, LLC.
William Greenwald awarded NIH F31 grant
April 12, 2018Bioinformatics & Systems Biology graduate student William Greenwald has been awarded an NIH F31 predoctoral fellowship.
William Greenwald and Dylan Skola awarded 2017 ARCS Fellowship
August 11, 2017Bioinformatics & Systems Biology graduate students William Greenwald and Dylan Skola have each been awarded an ARCS Fellowship for 2017-18.
Benjamin Kellman: Bike Ride from San Diego to San Francisco for AAAS
July 27, 2017Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Ph.D. student Benjamin Kellman organized a bike ride from San Diego to San Francisco to raise money for AAAS.
Niema Moshiri awarded Distinguished Teaching Award
April 5, 2017Niema Moshiri, a Ph.D. student in the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology graduate program, has been selected by the UCSD Academic Senate as a recipient of the 2016/17 Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Students.