Student Publications
Shlomi T, Cabili MN, Herrgård MJ, Palsson BØ, Ruppin E. "Network-based prediction of human tissue-specific metabolism." Nat Biotechnol. 2008;26(9):1003-10. PubMed DOI
Suthram S, Beyer A, Karp RM, Eldar Y, Ideker T. "eQED: an efficient method for interpreting eQTL associations using protein networks." Mol Syst Biol. 2008;4:162. PubMed PMC DOI
Tanner S, Payne SH, Dasari S, Shen Z, Wilmarth PA, David LL, Loomis WF, Briggs SP, Bafna V. "Accurate annotation of peptide modifications through unrestrictive database search." J Proteome Res. 2008;7(1):170-81. PubMed DOI
Valas RE, Bourne PE. "Rethinking proteasome evolution: two novel bacterial proteasomes." J Mol Evol. 2008;66(5):494-504. PubMed PMC DOI
Walsh CT, Radeff-Huang J, Matteo R, Hsiao A, Subramaniam S, Stupack D, Brown JH. "Thrombin receptor and RhoA mediate cell proliferation through integrins and cysteine-rich protein 61." FASEB J. 2008;22(11):4011-21. PubMed PMC DOI
Wilmes GM, Bergkessel M, Bandyopadhyay S, Shales M, Braberg H, Cagney G, Collins SR, Whitworth GB, Kress TL, Weissman JS, Ideker T, Guthrie C, Krogan NJ. "A genetic interaction map of RNA-processing factors reveals links between Sem1/Dss1-containing complexes and mRNA export and splicing." Mol Cell. 2008;32(5):735-46. PubMed PMC DOI
Young JA, Johnson JR, Benner C, Yan SF, Chen K, Le Roch KG, Zhou Y, Winzeler EA. "In silico discovery of transcription regulatory elements in Plasmodium falciparum." BMC Genomics. 2008;9:70. PubMed PMC DOI
Aktulga HM, Kontoyiannis I, Lyznik LA, Szpankowski L, Grama AY, Szpankowski W. "Identifying statistical dependence in genomic sequences via mutual information estimates." EURASIP J Bioinform Syst Biol. 2007:14741. PubMed PMC DOI
Bansal V, Bashir A, Bafna V. "Evidence for large inversion polymorphisms in the human genome from HapMap data." Genome Res. 2007;17(2):219-30. PubMed PMC DOI
Bashir A, Liu YT, Raphael BJ, Carson D, Bafna V. "Optimization of primer design for the detection of variable genomic lesions in cancer." Bioinformatics. 2007;23(21):2807-15. PubMed DOI
Becker SA, Feist AM, Mo ML, Hannum G, Palsson BØ, Herrgard MJ. "Quantitative prediction of cellular metabolism with constraint-based models: the COBRA Toolbox." Nat Protoc. 2007;2(3):727-38. PubMed DOI
Berry RE, Shokhireva TKh, Filippov I, Shokhirev MN, Zhang H, Walker FA. "Effect of the N-terminus on heme cavity structure, ligand equilibrium, rate constants, and reduction potentials of nitrophorin 2 from Rhodnius prolixus." Biochemistry. 2007;46(23):6830-43. PubMed PMC DOI
Beyer A, Bandyopadhyay S, Ideker T. "Integrating physical and genetic maps: from genomes to interaction networks." Nat Rev Genet. 2007;8(9):699-710. PubMed PMC DOI
Chang MW, Lindstrom W, Olson AJ, Belew RK. "Analysis of HIV wild-type and mutant structures via in silico docking against diverse ligand libraries." J Chem Inf Model. 2007;47(3):1258-62. PubMed DOI
Cho BK, Charusanti P, Herrgård MJ, Palsson BO. "Microbial regulatory and metabolic networks." Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2007;18(4):360-4. PubMed DOI
Chuang HY, Lee E, Liu YT, Lee D, Ideker T. "Network-based classification of breast cancer metastasis." Mol Syst Biol. 2007;3:140. PubMed PMC DOI
Cline MS, Smoot M, Cerami E, Kuchinsky A, Landys N, Workman C, Christmas R, Avila-Campilo I, Creech M, Gross B, Hanspers K, Isserlin R, Kelley R, Killcoyne S, Lotia S, Maere S, Morris J, Ono K, Pavlovic V, Pico AR, Vailaya A, Wang PL, Adler A, Conklin BR, Hood L, Kuiper M, Sander C, Schmulevich I, Schwikowski B, Warner GJ, Ideker T, Bader GD. "Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape." Nat Protoc. 2007;2(10):2366-82. PubMed PMC DOI
Duarte NC, Becker SA, Jamshidi N, Thiele I, Mo ML, Vo TD, Srivas R, Palsson BØ. "Global reconstruction of the human metabolic network based on genomic and bibliomic data." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007;104(6):1777-82. PubMed PMC DOI
ENCODE Project Consortium, Birney E, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Dutta A, Guigó R, Gingeras TR, Margulies EH, Weng Z, Snyder M, Dermitzakis ET, Thurman RE, Kuehn MS, Taylor CM, Neph S, Koch CM, Asthana S, Malhotra A, Adzhubei I, Greenbaum JA, Andrews RM, Flicek P, Boyle PJ, Cao H, Carter NP, Clelland GK, Davis S, Day N, Dhami P, Dillon SC, Dorschner MO, Fiegler H, Giresi PG, Goldy J, Hawrylycz M, Haydock A, Humbert R, James KD, Johnson BE, Johnson EM, Frum TT, Rosenzweig ER, Karnani N, Lee K, Lefebvre GC, Navas PA, Neri F, Parker SC, Sabo PJ, Sandstrom R, Shafer A, Vetrie D, Weaver M, Wilcox S, Yu M, Collins FS, Dekker J, Lieb JD, Tullius TD, Crawford GE, Sunyaev S, Noble WS, Dunham I, Denoeud F, Reymond A, Kapranov P, Rozowsky J, Zheng D, Castelo R, Frankish A, Harrow J, Ghosh S, Sandelin A, Hofacker IL, Baertsch R, Keefe D, Dike S, Cheng J, Hirsch HA, Sekinger EA, Lagarde J, Abril JF, Shahab A, Flamm C, Fried C, Hackermüller J, Hertel J, Lindemeyer M, Missal K, Tanzer A, Washietl S, Korbel J, Emanuelsson O, Pedersen JS, Holroyd N, Taylor R, Swarbreck D, Matthews N, Dickson MC, Thomas DJ, Weirauch MT, Gilbert J, Drenkow J, Bell I, Zhao X, Srinivasan KG, Sung WK, Ooi HS, Chiu KP, Foissac S, Alioto T, Brent M, Pachter L, Tress ML, Valencia A, Choo SW, Choo CY, Ucla C, Manzano C, Wyss C, Cheung E, Clark TG, Brown JB, Ganesh M, Patel S, Tammana H, Chrast J, Henrichsen CN, Kai C, Kawai J, Nagalakshmi U, Wu J, Lian Z, Lian J, Newburger P, Zhang X, Bickel P, Mattick JS, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y, Weissman S, Hubbard T, Myers RM, Rogers J, Stadler PF, Lowe TM, Wei CL, Ruan Y, Struhl K, Gerstein M, Antonarakis SE, Fu Y, Green ED, Karaöz U, Siepel A, Taylor J, Liefer LA, Wetterstrand KA, Good PJ, Feingold EA, Guyer MS, Cooper GM, Asimenos G, Dewey CN, Hou M, Nikolaev S, Montoya-Burgos JI, Löytynoja A, Whelan S, Pardi F, Massingham T, Huang H, Zhang NR, Holmes I, Mullikin JC, Ureta-Vidal A, Paten B, Seringhaus M, Church D, Rosenbloom K, Kent WJ, Stone EA, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center, Washington University Genome Sequencing Center, Broad Institute, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Batzoglou S, Goldman N, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W, Sidow A, Trinklein ND, Zhang ZD, Barrera L, Stuart R, King DC, Ameur A, Enroth S, Bieda MC, Kim J, Bhinge AA, Jiang N, Liu J, Yao F, Vega VB, Lee CW, Ng P, Shahab A, Yang A, Moqtaderi Z, Zhu Z, Xu X, Squazzo S, Oberley MJ, Inman D, Singer MA, Richmond TA, Munn KJ, Rada-Iglesias A, Wallerman O, Komorowski J, Fowler JC, Couttet P, Bruce AW, Dovey OM, Ellis PD, Langford CF, Nix DA, Euskirchen G, Hartman S, Urban AE, Kraus P, Van Calcar S, Heintzman N, Kim TH, Wang K, Qu C, Hon G, Luna R, Glass CK, Rosenfeld MG, Aldred SF, Cooper SJ, Halees A, Lin JM, Shulha HP, Zhang X, Xu M, Haidar JN, Yu Y, Ruan Y, Iyer VR, Green RD, Wadelius C, Farnham PJ, Ren B, Harte RA, Hinrichs AS, Trumbower H, Clawson H, Hillman-Jackson J, Zweig AS, Smith K, Thakkapallayil A, Barber G, Kuhn RM, Karolchik D, Armengol L, Bird CP, de Bakker PI, Kern AD, Lopez-Bigas N, Martin JD, Stranger BE, Woodroffe A, Davydov E, Dimas A, Eyras E, Hallgrímsdóttir IB, Huppert J, Zody MC, Abecasis GR, Estivill X, Bouffard GG, Guan X, Hansen NF, Idol JR, Maduro VV, Maskeri B, McDowell JC, Park M, Thomas PJ, Young AC, Blakesley RW, Muzny DM, Sodergren E, Wheeler DA, Worley KC, Jiang H, Weinstock GM, Gibbs RA, Graves T, Fulton R, Mardis ER, Wilson RK, Clamp M, Cuff J, Gnerre S, Jaffe DB, Chang JL, Lindblad-Toh K, Lander ES, Koriabine M, Nefedov M, Osoegawa K, Yoshinaga Y, Zhu B, de Jong PJ. "Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project." Nature. 2007;447(7146):799-816. PubMed PMC DOI
Feist AM, Henry CS, Reed JL, Krummenacker M, Joyce AR, Karp PD, Broadbelt LJ, Hatzimanikatis V, Palsson BØ. "A genome-scale metabolic reconstruction for Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 that accounts for 1260 ORFs and thermodynamic information." Mol Syst Biol. 2007;3:121. PubMed PMC DOI
Garcia-Bassets I, Kwon YS, Telese F, Prefontaine GG, Hutt KR, Cheng CS, Ju BG, Ohgi KA, Wang J, Escoubet-Lozach L, Rose DW, Glass CK, Fu XD, Rosenfeld MG. "Histone methylation-dependent mechanisms impose ligand dependency for gene activation by nuclear receptors." Cell. 2007;128(3):505-518. PubMed PMC DOI
Gupta N, Tanner S, Jaitly N, Adkins JN, Lipton M, Edwards R, Romine M, Osterman A, Bafna V, Smith RD, Pevzner PA. "Whole proteome analysis of post-translational modifications: applications of mass-spectrometry for proteogenomic annotation." Genome Res. 2007;17(9):1362-77. PubMed PMC DOI
Heintzman ND, Stuart RK, Hon G, Fu Y, Ching CW, Hawkins RD, Barrera LO, Van Calcar S, Qu C, Ching KA, Wang W, Weng Z, Green RD, Crawford GE, Ren B. "Distinct and predictive chromatin signatures of transcriptional promoters and enhancers in the human genome." Nat Genet. 2007;39(3):311-8. PubMed DOI
Hevener AL, Olefsky JM, Reichart D, Nguyen MT, Bandyopadyhay G, Leung HY, Watt MJ, Benner C, Febbraio MA, Nguyen AK, Folian B, Subramaniam S, Gonzalez FJ, Glass CK, Ricote M. "Macrophage PPAR gamma is required for normal skeletal muscle and hepatic insulin sensitivity and full antidiabetic effects of thiazolidinediones." J Clin Invest. 2007;117(6):1658-69. PubMed PMC DOI
Hua Q, Joyce AR, Palsson BØ, Fong SS. "Metabolic characterization of Escherichia coli strains adapted to growth on lactate." Appl Environ Microbiol. 2007;73(14):4639-47. PubMed PMC DOI